Our goal at Andorfer Acres West is to grow the most beautiful flowers possible and spread their joy and wonder to all of you. We offer a variety of seasonal annual and perennial cut flowers, dried flowers, chicken, duck and guinea eggs along with honey from May to October.
Using a combination of sustainable methods including compost, cover crops and crop rotation, we are proud to provide gorgeous blooms direct to our customers that are not only local but safe. We consider ourselves stewards of the land we have inherited from five generations of the Andorfer family. Our chickens, ducks and guineas contribute to the compost and free range helping with insect pests. Our bees pollinate the food crops we grow and make us the most delicious honey!
There are only the two of us working this farm. Every flower is a seed or plug we chose, started in our propagation room, nurtured and planted out by hand. Every rose is harvested with joy. Every pumpkin or gourd is carefully direct seeded in our field and hand tended.