FWFM is celebrating its 10 yr anniversary, McCulloch park 1790 Broadway.
Fort Wayne, Ind.– Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Market (FWFM) is excited to announce that with the onset of our 10 year anniversary we are planning activities in our current summer home at McCulloch Park this Saturday Sept 24th from 9 AM to 1 PM.
Over the history of our market it has become increasingly apparent that our customers appreciate the quality of our vendors and the Year round harvest to your tables. We respect our customers for utilizing and seeing us as a grocery store to shop weekly at, but also the customers who come for the ambiance the park offers with a relaxing atmosphere and fresh food as a bonus. We have always offered a valuable resource to the community with an ample food supply from our vendors. It is our pleasure to continually organize such a fantastic and unique shopping experience regardless of your needs.
We are also thankful for the partnerships and services our community partners provide to the community through us. Parkview Community outreach with their Veggie RX community programs and St. Joseph Foundation who has coordinated our involvement with the SNAP Double Up program for our customers.
As part of our celebration we will have:
- Touch a truck
- Firetruck and safety awareness products for the kids
- Paint the snow plow blade (hand prints)
- Police car and the drone
Kids activities
- Face paint
- Hair braid
- Balloon guy
- Games and activities
We hope the community will come out and enjoy another relaxing day and help us celebrate our anniversary.
We will be moving indoors to Parkview Field Oct 8th, 285 W Douglas:
Returning to the market will be prepared food, we will have food trucks to help with your enjoyable shopping experience. Also returning will be some of our artisan/craft vendors while maintaining our strict rule of 95/5 dynamic. (95% farm, food, natural and 5% artisan)
Items available at the market range from local produce and meats, spices, sweets and sauces, body products, baked goods, coffees and teas, honey, jams, syrups, artisan crafts and much more. All items are produced no greater than a 100 mile radius of Fort Wayne. If you are looking for that perfectly unique gift, or want to know exactly where your food comes from, Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Market is the place for you.
Leigh Rowan, Developer of the market stated “I couldn’t be more excited to have reached this milestone. I am very appreciative for the support we have received along the way for our vendors, from our community partners and most of all the community. I never for a moment when I started the indoor market could have foreseen the impact it would have for our community; To assist and grow local accessibility for our communities Farm to fork restaurants, small business incubators with shared kitchens, assisting entrepreneurs to move from an idea into their own store fronts. The value of the dollar spent in our community is very apparent when shopping at the Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Market. We’re excited to see what the future holds. Because of the growing Fort Wayne food community, we are pulling in more vendors and they are bringing more diverse products for our customers. The Fort Wayne’s Farmers Market will continue to look for ways to meet our community’s needs while enhancing the market shopping experience. ”
UPCOMING MARKETS: Oct 1st and Oct 8. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Every Saturday https://ftwaynesfarmersmarket.com/
ABOUT: Opened in 2012, Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Market (FWFM) is the only continually operating year-round producer-only market in NE Indiana offering a year-round harvest of local foods . FWFM offers a variety of products. We operate utilizing 95% Farm, Food and Natural Products with 5% artisan. These products range from farm & garden, home-based & professionally prepared foods that are minimally processed, natural products, and local artisans. The indoor Market starts Oct. 8th at Parkview Field.