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Our summer season CSA will begin on the week starting Friday June 17, 2016 and run continuously for twenty (20) weeks, ending Saturday October 29, 2016. The calendar for pick-up is on the back of the application. If you cannot pick up your share for any given week, please contact us as soon as possible to make alternate arrangements. To contain costs, we can no longer replace shares that are not picked up. We provide a reusable CSA/Grocery tote to pack your CSA share each week. Please bring the empty tote back each week in exchange for a full tote. The last empty tote of the season can be dropped off at any market or the farm at the end of the season.
We offer four types of shares: large, large with baked goods, small, and small with baked goods. We use 90% of the USDA recommended vegetable serving for determining share size.
- A large share will provide seasonally available fruits and vegetables for four people.
- A large share with baked goods will additionally include one of our organic bakery items per week.
- A small share will provide seasonally available fruits and vegetables for two people.
- A small share with baked goods will additionally include one of our organic bakery items per week.
Follow this link for our application and contact information, http://www.valentinehillfarm.com/html/csa_application.html