Indiana Agriculture Is One In A Melon

Jun 27, 2018 | Local Producers

Summer wouldn’t be summer without a cold slice of watermelon on a hot day. Not only is watermelon a refreshing summer treat but also contains Vitamins A, B6, and C. With several local watermelon growers in Indiana, you are bound to find a locally-grown watermelon near you. Indiana currently ranks 5th in watermelon production. Go visit one of our members this summer and bite into a delicious piece of Indiana agriculture.

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Indiana Grown is administered by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture in partnership with Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch. The initiative educates consumers on the importance of buying Indiana Grown products, helps Indiana farmers and producers sell more products and supports Indiana processors in their effort to process more Indiana Grown products. Indiana Grown members and partners include farmers, producers, processors and artisans, as well as retailers, grocers, hospitals and restaurants.