We were jumping on the Indiana Grown bandwagon early in the program, not exactly knowing what it was or how it would help. Little did we know what we were starting for our small farm. We joined forces with Healthy Hoosier Oil (also a member), due to the fact that we utilize their canola and sunflower meal for our hog feed, and the fact that we’re basically neighbors, and made a point to be present at all Indiana Grown events possible. After each event, we would “cus and discuss” what we each took away from the day. Every single time there was something that was potentially helpful for one or both of our farms.
Whether it was making new connections, reaching new markets, or just getting in front of people that we otherwise would have never seen, we always have felt like we were in the right place.
Now that we are well established with the program and many of its employees and participants, the opportunities that have been presented to us have been nothing short of impressive. We’ve hosted several prestigious guests to showcase our working relationships with several Indiana Grown members (most notable being Jefferson St. BBQ, Healthy Hoosier Oil, Parrett’s Meat Processing and Catering, and Eskenazi Hospital) and that is completely due to the fact that we are active Indiana Grown members. We have hosted Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch and her staff, and several other representatives of large scale businesses that want to stay local.
In short, I believe that Indiana Grown is an asset to local farms and businesses. Doors have been opened for us that would have otherwise been shut in our faces.
We are very excited for the future of our farm along with Indiana Grown.