Oct 5, 2020 | Featured, Local Producers, News, Products
Gobble Gobble Goose: it’s turkey time at Goose the Market and Smoking Goose! Browse and Order the best of the harvest from local food artisans and farmers online at https://goose-the-market.myshopify.com/ and choose pick up or delivery, whether near or far....
Dec 2, 2019 | Local Producers
With protein often being the centerpiece of your meal, wouldn’t you love to know that the burger, pork chop, or chicken breast on your plate came from a local producer? Our guide represents just a fraction of the more than 56,000 farming operations in Indiana,...
Nov 3, 2017 | Local Producers, Products
Our favorite holiday is rapidly approaching: Thanksgiving! Gunthorp Farms is a family owned farm in LaGrange, IN. We raise pigs, chickens, ducks, and a whole lot of turkeys for Thanksgiving. We also have a USDA inspected meat processing plant here on the farm....