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Business Name County Categories

Wonder Creek Farms Wonder Creek Farms Boone Food & Beverage, Livestock, Produce Edit

Wonning Produce Wonning Produce Jackson Produce Edit

Wood Be Memories Wood Be Memories Madison Artisan & Merchandise, Body Care & Candles, Pet Accessories and Treats Edit

Wood Frog Farm Wood Frog Farm Brown Body Care & Candles, Livestock, Meat, Produce Edit

Canada’s Coffee Company LLC Wood Warbler Coffee Hamilton Food & Beverage Edit

Woodsland LLC Woods & Stems Vanderburgh Produce Edit

Woods Ranch Cattle Co Woods Ranch Carroll Artisan & Merchandise, Body Care & Candles, Livestock, Meat, Produce Edit

Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

Woodsbrook Fresh Beef Woodsbrook Fresh Beef Elkhart Livestock, Meat Edit

Woodview Acres, LLC Woodview Acres, LLC Marshall Food & Beverage, Livestock, Meat Edit

Woolery Farmers’ Market Woolery Farmers’ Market Monroe Farmers Market Edit

Would You Lather? Would You Lather? Shelby Body Care & Candles Edit

Woven and Wool Woven and Wool Clark Artisan & Merchandise Edit

Certified Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)

Woven Dimensions Woven Dimensions Boone Artisan & Merchandise Edit

Wright’s Beef and Pork Wright’s Beef and Pork Boone Meat Edit

BIPOC Member

XO ACres XO Acres Henry Produce Edit

Yeager Farm, LLC Yeager Farm Morgan Artisan & Merchandise, Food & Beverage, Produce Edit

YLNI Farmers Market YLNI Farmers Market Allen Farmers Market Edit

YODER POPCORN LLC YODER POPCORN LaGrange Crops, Food & Beverage Edit

Yoder’s Strawberry Patch Yoder’s Strawberry Patch Elkhart Produce Edit

Yorkridge Farms LLC Yorkridge Farms LLC Dearborn Agritourism, Produce Edit

Yorktown Farm & Artisan Market Yorktown Farm & Artisan Market Delaware Farmers Market Edit

Young’s Greenhouse & Flower Shop Young’s Greenhouse & Flower Shop Allen Garden Center & Nurseries, Produce Edit

Your Grandpa’s Old Fashioned Your Grandpa’s Old Fashioned Hamilton Food & Beverage Edit

ZUZUS PEDDLES LLC ZUZUS PEDDLES LLC Lake Crops, Food & Beverage, Produce Edit