Indiana Grown has developed a series of maps, trails and guides to introduce consumers to the various segments of agriculture that are represented within our membership. These maps will allow Hoosiers to experience local products ranging from wine to freezer beef to Christmas trees!
Be sure to spend extra time participating in our Winery, Brewery and Distillery trails where you can receive a prize for completing the map! You will find a large number of member businesses who can’t wait to stamp your map when you visit their location!
Click the below links for more information and to download your own copies of each of the Indiana Grown member maps, trails and guides!
- Indiana Grown Wine Trail
- Indiana Grown Brewery Trail
- Indiana Grown Distillery Trail
- Indiana Grown Cider/Mead Trail
- Protein Guide
- Horticulture Guide
- Natural Sugars Guide
- Christmas Tree Map
- Winter Farmers Market Map
- U-Pick Farms & Orchards
We hope our maps, trails and guides will provide you with a way to discover and interact with Indiana Grown members across the state!
Don’t forget to share your photos and stories with us on social media and be sure to tag us on Facebook (@IndianaGrown), Twitter (@Indiana_Grown) and Instagram (@indiana_grown).
Please note:
Our maps, trails and guides only represent Indiana Grown member locations and are not an exhaustive list of businesses in Indiana.
As new members join and are added to the maps, trails and guides, we will post updates periodically; however, all versions of completed maps that are eligible for prizes will be accepted.
Participants may visit any location on the trails to receive a stamp for those businesses denoted as having multiple locations. There is no time limit to complete the trails.
The businesses that are listed on the various maps, trails and guides may have altered business hours and operations due to COVID-19. We recommend confirming this with the business before visiting. Please also maintain social distancing and practice other recommended safety precautions when visiting with member locations.
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