Oct 29, 2019 | Desserts, Recipes
Pumpkin Pie Dessert Dip is a crowd-pleasing dessert you can throw together in minutes which is about how long it will last! INGREDIENTS 1 8 oz + 4 oz package of cream cheese, softened 1 C powdered sugar, up to an additional 1 cup, if desired, for...
Oct 25, 2019 | Desserts, Recipes
*Featured Holiday Recipe* Honeycrisp apple bread is a taste of fall in every bite! This tender quick bread is seasoned with warm, earthy spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and stuffed with bits of sweet, juicy apples. Apple pies, sauce, salads, butter, and the list goes...
Oct 25, 2019 | Desserts, Recipes
*Featured Holiday Recipe* There are many things that Indiana is known for. Basketball, Corn, tenderloin sandwiches and the Indianapolis 500. I am not sure many of you know that another is the Hoosier Sugar Cream Pie. Go to any potluck or church pitch-in and you are...
Oct 25, 2019 | Drinks, Recipes
*Featured Holiday Recipe* Creamy, smooth, and cold – this eggnog is a classic holiday beverage. Make it every year as a new family tradition. Ingredients 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1/4 C sugar 1/4 tsp salt 2 cups milk (I used whole milk)...