Attitude, Knowledge, and Barriers towards Value-Adding Business among Indiana Fruit and Vegetable Growers

Oct 8, 2019 | News

Have you thought about producing your own value-added products (value-added: further process fresh produce to increase its value)? What’s the challenges for you to start or scale up your own value-adding business?

We would like to invite you to participate in the study “Attitude, Knowledge, and Barriers towards Value-Adding Business among Indiana Fruit and Vegetable Growers”. We are interested in learning about your perspective and experiences. Your feedback will be very valuable for us to develop better food safety curriculum for value-adding business that address your challenges. All the responses will be kept confidential.

If you are Fruit and/or Vegetable Grower, please help us by participating in:

  • Online Survey:
  • Focus Group (1.5h): You will share your thought and/or experience on value-adding business with a small group of farmers. All the participants will receive $100 monetary incentives as a token of thank you! The location of focus group will be determined based on the preferred location of each participant.

Here is the link that you can sign up for the focus group:

You do not need to have a value-adding business to participate in this study!


**This is a voluntary survey administered by graduate students at Purdue University. Please direct all questions to:

Han Chen
Graduate Research Assistant | Food Science | Purdue University
745 Agriculture Mall Drive | West Lafayette | IN 47906
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 317-970-6827