Come join us at our
Annual Big Board Show Pig Sale at Circle R Farm of Wanatah, Indiana
“Where 2nd Place Just Won’t Do!”
Come early (4-5:00 PM CST) to view, get buyer number and place bids on the Board.
Final bidding starts at 7:00 PM CST
Over 60 quality bred show pigs to choose from!
Our 2020 Breeds: Spots, Berkshires, Herefords, Chesters and Cross
4:00 PM CST SELF SERVE Food and beverages provided until we run out!
Door prizes drawn immediately after the sale to final purchasers as well
as a special prize to 1- 1ST and 1- 10 year 4H member.
We grow ‘em, you show ‘em!
Call us for your next Champion!
Todd & Tricia Rosenbaum
219-508-0361 or 219-309-0558
11202 W. 1500 S., Wanatah, IN 46390
Member of Indiana Grown ®